Images of Art College Teacher- Zhijin Cui Associate Professor

Release time:2018-12-03browsing times: 445

Zhijin Cui—Assistant Professor of the Department of Fine Arts



Zhijin Cui, assistant professor and Master’s supervisor of the School of Arts, Southeast University, was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, in 1980.



M.A. (Xuezhong Wang Institute of Arts, Tianjin University), 2003—2006.

Major: Study of Fine Arts

D.Phil. (School of Liberal Arts, Nankai University, University of Columbia), 2006—2009.

Major: Theory of Literature and Art

Postdoctorate: (University of Vienna), 2010-2011.

Major: Art Studies

(Southeast University), 2012-2016.

Major: Artistic Theory

Visiting Professor of Art Studies in the University of Alberta (Canada), 2014-2015.


Research Interests

Artistic Theory, Study of Fine Arts


Research Achievements

Took charge of a project funded by the Ministry of Personnel, 10 by the Provincial, Municipal and School-level offices.

Published 3 monographs and 50 papers.


Representative Achievements

1)Principal Investigator, “Research on Chinese Art Industry in the Period of Economic Transition: The Development War of Diamond Model.” (Established in 2012, Approval No. 2012 M5209625). The 52ndgeneral program of Scientific Fund of Ministry of Personnel.

2)Principal Investigator, A sub-project of “Research on Classical Theories and Literature of Chinese Art Studies.”(Established in 2010, Approval No. JDXM2010). Major project of Jiangsu University Philosophy and Social Science Key Research Base.

3)Monograph: Colour Study of Post-Impressionist Art. Southeast University Press, 2012.

4)Papers: “Seeing the Art Exchange between Han and Tibet from Tisi Tangka Gongtang Lama.” Ethnic Arts Quarterly, No. 3, 2012.

“Research on the Color of Van Gogh's Works.” Journal of Southeast University (Social Science Edition). No. 4, 2012.

“The Cross-cultural Ties-Influences of Chinese Traditional Plants Dye on Botanical Theme Park.” The 3rd International Conference on Landscape and urban Horticulture. 2013.

Research on Cover Art of Top Scientific and Technological Periodicals in the World and Its Enlightenment to China.”Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals. No.2 2016.

