

讲座题目:Computational Aesthetics - Automatic Generation of Abstract Art



主讲人:  Kang Zhang  张 康


时  间:  2018年11月2日15:00


地  点:  艺术学院二楼报告厅




    As modern computer graphics and printing technology become increasingly advanced, automatic generation of sophisticated abstract paintings becomes possible. This talk will first introduce the general concepts of aesthetic computing and computational aesthetics, and a 4-level classification in terms of computational power utilized for computer generated art. We will present a recent project on automatic generation ofthe well-known styles of abstract paintings, such as Pollock, Kandinsky, Miro, and Picasso, and Kandinsky Fonts, using the programming language Processing. The generation process is demonstrated with sample generated images styled on some of the best-known paintings. Using random generation, every styled image generated can be unique. We will also introduce our recent attempt in measuring the aesthetics of Chinese ink paintings and logo designs. Finally, we will sample a few projects in information visualization, with demos.




    张康博士现任美国The University of Texas at Dallas计算机科学(Computer Science)专业和艺术与技术(Arts and Technology)专业终生教授,可视计算实验室主任他于1982年2月在成都电讯工程学院(现改名为电子科技大学)取得计算机工程学士学位, 1990年在英国University of Brighton取得计算机工程博士学位,2011年在美国University of Texas at Dallas取得EMBA学位他是ACM Distinguished SpeakerVINCI国际会议的指导委员会主席,Journal of Visual Languages and Computing,International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering,Journal of Big DataThe Visual Computer,Journal of Visual Languages and Sentient Systems《软件学报》等期刊的编委,并应邀在多个管理科学和计算机科学国际会议上作主旨演讲,担任过多个国际会议共同主席和程序委员会主席发表过7本论著,90多篇SCIAHCI检索期刊论文,和160多篇国际会议论文张康教授的主要研究领域是可视化语言, 信息可视化, 计算机艺术, 软件工程他的个人网页是:www.utdallas.edu /~kzhang艺术网页是: art4.gift.